Town Of Holden
Louise Charbonneau
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Conference Room – Senior Center
Present: Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Albert Ferron; Faye Ellis; Richard Mansfield;
Louise Charbonneau; Jim Robinson; Cheryl Owoc; Maureen Buffone.
The minutes from the December 2, 2010 meeting were approved and accepted.
F.H.C.O.A. REPORT ~ Barbara Anger
Faye Ellis reported that the account balances given at the Friends Meeting on January 3, 2011 are as follows:
Commerce Bank $17,314.76
Leominster Credit Union $4,611.39
Leominster Credit Union C.D. $23,121.83
These figures are the same as were reported at the HCOA meeting on December 2, 2010.
Jim has not yet received a current financial report from the town accountant. Jim reported that since the commencement of this season’s fund raising, there has been over $11,500.00 in receipts. He did not have a figure for disbursements. Louise will update Jim on the disbursements.
Cheryl reported that she and Paula are currently working on twenty (20) cases. If all is approved, the total disbursement amount will be approximately $10,000.00. This is the most number of cases that have been open at once. Cheryl delivered a food basket on Christmas Eve morning that had been donated by Leominster Credit Union, along with gift cards for groceries from a separate donor.
Rick reported that Mary Parenteau, Jamie Steiger and Timothy Woodward provided an overview of the Protective Services reporting, screening and investigation process at their last meeting in December. There are currently 83 open investigations and 133 open cases. A Protective Services worker is assigned to investigate the situation to determine the nature and extent of the abuse or self neglect. Types of abuse inculde self neglect, physical, sexual, emotional, caregiver neglect or financial exploitation. The investigation process lasts 30-35 days and the average case is open for six (6) months. The elder’s situation is assessed for level of risk and is categorized as an emergency, rapid, or routine response. Elder Services of
Worcester is designated by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs to manage the Protective Services Program. We are running a deficit in the program which the state expects Elder Services to subsidize. Lou Swan is on a statewide committee to implement changes to Protective Services.
Maggie Woodward, Budget Director, updated the Board on the waitlist which is currently at 12 consumers. Only those consumers who are Priority 4’s (critical unmet need of meal preparation) remain on the waitlist. Consumers continue to be prioritized upon assessment, but the Priority 1’s, 2’s and 3’s can be immediately opened for service.
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214
Current year tax revenues are above projected levels, but the state is anticipating a challenging FY 2012. Much of this is due to no additional stimulus funds and the high cost of Medicaid. November financial statements were reviewed. Mary Baltramaitis reviewed the balance sheet and noted that assets and liabilities are up from last month. Year to date, revenues exceed expenses by $230,342.00. Some programs expecting deficits will begin incurring them later in the fiscal year (Nutrition, Money Management). Health insurance increases impacted the year end affected. The number of enrolled Home Care consumers increased, while the billable decreased. This is due to a billing adjustment in November. A number of the consumers
who were counted as “billable” in October did not receive services and were negative adjustments in November. This should even out for December and going forward.
Rick talked about the possibility of having Mary Parenteau from Protective Services come in to speak at the next HCOA meeting in February. The Help at Home program in Holden was also discussed at their meeting and praised for the work they do.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT ~ Louise Charbonneau
The events for the month of January are as follows:
Thurs., Jan. 6 ~ Movie “Call of the Wild”
Tues., Jan. 11 ~ Weight Watchers Informational Meeting
Thur., Jan. 13 ~ Movie “Inside American Power: Air Force One”
Mon., Jan. 17 ~ Sr. Center Closed-Martin Luther King holiday
Wed., Jan. 19 ~ Coffee with Jane Dutton
Thurs., Jan. 20 ~ Movie “Nights in Rodanthe”
Mon., Jan. 24 ~ Two for the Road Concert w/Chet Williamson & Steve Cancelli
Wed., Jan. 26 ~ Fall Prevention Program w/VNA Care Network
Thurs, Jan. 27 ~ Movie “Captain January”
Fri., Jan. 28 ~ Laughter Yoga begins; Veterans’ Meeting
Mon., Jan. 31 ~ Lady Margaret Watson – Vintage Glass Program
Senior Center Christmas Party – 80
Mountview Breakfast – 136
Rotary Breakfast – 402 (156 of which were Holden residents)
Two for Christmas Holiday Readings – 31
Piano Duets – 41
Sweet Adelines Singing Group – 61
Wizard of Oz performance from WRHS – 28
Trip to Rockettes – 45
New Year’s Eve Party – 37
Elders served: 60+ 13,346 (Duplicated) 819 (Unduplicated)
60- 933 (Duplicated) 69 (Unduplicated)
Transportation: 60+ 2,267 Total Rides 94 (Unduplicated)
60- 676 Total Rides 14 (Unduplicated)
There are seven (7) young adults that ride to work on the van. There were 515 rides given to them on our van, and 648 rides were brokered to the cab company. The grant that the WRTA got was a big help. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons, along with Senator Chandler, worked hard to get the grant. The grant pays for the cab rides, but does not pay for our van.
These statistics are for a six (6) month period. We checked our other statistics, and, for some reason, the software is not counting those participants that are entered as guests, which will change the numbers dramatically in some areas. Once we get that glitch remedied, we’ll report more numbers.
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214
Louise reported that one day in mid-December, we arrived at work to find the old van being removed from the parking lot. Presently it is with some other equipment behind Reed-Rico. It will be declared surplus equipment and done away with appropriately.
The town employees received a two percent (2%) cost of living increase, effective January 1, 2011. No increase was put into next year’s budget.
Louise asked the board members for names of anyone they may know that would be willing to do shoveling for seniors, as we have been getting many requests from seniors seeking help.
Louise also informed the board that the Food Pantry has moved into one of the Extended Care buildings on Boyden Road.
It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. at the Holden Senior Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214